Discovery Professional Learning Blog

Change your Practice, Change your World!

Written by Jessica Holder | September 26, 2023

Change your practice, change your world: Benefits of Becoming a Nature-Based Educator 

In today's fast-paced digital age, where screens dominate young minds, there's a growing appreciation for the importance of reconnecting children with the natural world. Early childhood educators across the world have recognized the incredible potential of nature-based education. This approach allows educators to harness the power of the great outdoors to enrich children's learning experiences. We have seen how adapting this approach into practice has improved conditions not only for children but for educators too. Based on what we have learned, we have created Discovery's Nature-Based Educator Course to provide educators with the skills, confidence, and freedom to offer this unique philosophy to young children in ANY setting.

Here are some of the ways your life will improve by taking the leap and becoming a Certified Nature-Based Educator. 

1.  Increased child well-being and DECREASED behaviours: 

Nature-based education offers a holistic approach to child development, focusing on nurturing the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth of young learners. By taking this course, you will learn how any environment can become the ultimate nature-based classroom whether you have a concrete playground, indoor space, or lush green space. This course is designed to incorporate this way of being into any environment where children can thrive.

**a. Physical Well-being:** Outdoor play is central to nature-based education, allowing children to develop their motor skills and physical fitness. Activities such as climbing, running, and exploring the natural world enhance their coordination, balance, and strength.

**b. Emotional Resilience:** Nature fosters emotional well-being by providing a calming and stress-reducing environment. Children learn to manage their emotions, build self-esteem, and develop a strong sense of self through interactions with the natural world.

**c. Social Connections:** Outdoor play encourages teamwork and cooperation, as children engage in group activities like building forts, collaborating on nature-inspired art projects, and sharing discoveries. This social interaction builds important communication and relationship skills.

**d. Cognitive Growth:** Nature stimulates curiosity and inquiry. Children become natural explorers, asking questions, making observations, and problem-solving as they investigate the world around them. This kind of experiential learning can lay the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

2.  Environmental Stewardship

This course provides a unique opportunity for nature-based educators to instill a sense of environmental stewardship in young learners. Educators can inspire children to appreciate the beauty and fragility of the natural world, fostering a lifelong commitment to sustainability.

**a. Connection to Nature:** Spending time outdoors helps children form a deep, personal connection with the environment. They learn to respect and care for the natural world, which can translate into eco-conscious behaviours as they grow.

**b. Awareness and Conservation:** Nature-based education introduces children to ecological concepts and encourages them to explore their surroundings responsibly. Through hands-on experiences, they gain an understanding of biodiversity, ecosystems, and the importance of conservation.

**c. Future Advocates:** By nurturing a sense of responsibility for the environment, nature-based educators can raise a generation of eco-conscious individuals who advocate for policies and practices that protect our planet.

3.  Enhanced Teaching Experience

Becoming a nature-based educator not only benefits children but also enhances the professional lives of educators themselves. The rewards extend beyond the classroom walls.

**a. Personal Fulfilment:** Working in nature can be incredibly rewarding, providing a sense of peace, purpose, and inspiration that many educators find deeply fulfilling.

**b. Professional Growth:** Nature-based educators develop a unique skill set, including proficiency in outdoor risk management, environmental education, and creative lesson planning. These skills can open up new career opportunities and enrich their teaching practices.

**c. Strong Community Bonds:** Nature-based education often fosters strong relationships with local communities, including nature centers, parks, and environmental organizations. These connections provide valuable resources and support for educators and students alike.

Becoming a nature-based educator is not just a career choice; it's a calling. By embracing the outdoors as a classroom, educators can provide children with a holistic education, instill environmental stewardship values, and enhance their own professional and personal growth. In a world where our connection to nature is more important than ever, these dedicated educators play a vital role in nurturing the next generation of responsible and compassionate global citizens.